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F. Campadelli — Hours of exile - Fugitive poems — Masonic binding — [1863].

Regular price €250,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €250,00 EUR
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Francesco Campadelli — Hours of Exile - Fugitive Poetry — Masonic Binding — [1854 to 1868].

Paris, Chez Jouaust, self-employed, 1854 to 1868. In-8° (12.5 x 21 cm.). 162 ff. unnumbered printed single-sided for the most part. Contemporary black half calfskin binding. Smooth spine adorned with gilt nets and compass & square. Red morocco title piece. Gold title. Together rubbed. Abrasions. Cool interior. Wet stamp from the library of the Supreme Council of France (see photos above).

Rare collection of odes, sonnets and acrostics by Francesco Campadelli, "ex-Lieutenant of the Italian volunteers" ( he participated in the Franco-Piedmontese war of 1859 against Austria which led to Italian unity after the victories of Magenta and of Solferino) published separately on different dates in various typographical styles & dedicated to the personalities of the time : there are in particular odes to a few crowned heads (Queen Victoria, Victor Emmanuel II, Georges 1st, King of Greece), as well as as well as especially French or Italian personalities, both political (Cavour, Persigny, Teresita Garibaldi) and literary (George Sand), but also an ode to the busk or an Italian-style Marseillaise. As well as several odes to Freemasons: Louis Guillot, Venerable of the Atelier de Rennes ("Such a thought flourishes in the EAST OF RENNES / Justice and truth, your sovereign clarity / Trace a furrow for him whose path he follows / There are workers of a pure, active faith, / Hastening the productive sap of reason / From which springs the future of all human progress.”), Philippe Cordova ...

Victor Emmanuel II, Salomon de Rothschild, James de Rothschild, Joseph Sykes, Elexis Marchi, Carlos Valdes y Martinez, Gustave Jucchini, Signora Trebelli, Ernest Legouvé, Signor Pancani, De Vincke, Henri Martin, Louis Jourdan, Mariani-Lorini, Baroness Alphonse de Rothschild, Marquis de Torrearsa, Principesa di Piombino, Melchora de Oquendo, Carlotta Marchisio, Giulia Venino, Cavour, Havin, Lebonis, Queen Victoria, Jules Favre, Prince of Wales, Bettino Ricasoli, Marquis d'Azeglio, Princess Clotilde, Commander Rattazzi, Count Cosilla, Madame Ristori, Charles XV (King of Sweden), Pierre-Napoleon Bonaparte, Henri Cialdini, Adelaide Restori, Baroness Nathaniel de Rothschild, Giulia Grisi, Hélène Leprévier, Mademoiselle Murphy, Girolamo Gavotti, Émile Péreire, Philippe Morelli, Olimpe Aguado, Fraschini, Baron Frankel, Baroness Budberg, Emilio Naudin, Edmond Petit, Prince Ottajano, Louis I (King of Portugal), Baron Vitta, Mehemed-Djemil Pasha, Gardoni, Ganier d'Abin, Prince Demidoff, Maria Pia, George Sand, Ignazio Guiccioli, Visconti-Venosta, Pierre-François Vasseur, Georges I (King of Greece), Pierre Antoine Elena, Duke of Cambridge, Rosina Penco, Doctor Cerise, Princess of Wales, Duchess of Sutherland, Napoléon-Jérôme Bonaparte, Marc Lejeune, Signora Dalmondi, Commander Minghetti, Liborio Romano, Emilia di Girardin, Daniele Manin, Rossini, Marquis Massimo de Montezemolo, Joseph Colonna, Octave Tupputi, Eugène de Savoie-Carignan, Napoléon-Victor-Jérôme-Frédéric Bonaparte, Lorenzo Pereto, Mesdames Brohan, Lord Palmerston, Conforti, Baroness de La Roncière Le Noury, Jules Petit, Salvatore Tamburini, Théophile Allamant, Peltier fils, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Armellini, Jean-Jacques Galletti, Marshal Leïla Flora Canrobert, Count Pasolini, Prince de Crouy Chanel , Duke of Devonshire, Mario, Marquis Ale Ponzoni, Prince Napoleon, the very I... V... Guillot and his RR. FF. de l'O... de Rennes (published in 'Le Droit maçonnique'), Pauline Landi, La Franc-Maçonnerie, dedicated to the great master the very illustrious brother Philippe Cordova, marquis Georges Pallavicini Trivulzio, Térésita Garibaldi, Antonio Litta, Visconti Arese, Prince Humbert…

Weight: 0.5kg.